After sex, there are several things you should and shouldn’t do:

Things you should do:

  1. Communication: It’s important to talk to your partner about your feelings, desires, and any concerns you may have. Open and honest communication is key for a healthy sexual relationship.
  2. Hygiene: Practicing good hygiene is essential. You should both clean up after sex to reduce the risk of infections. Urinating after sex can help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in individuals with vaginas.
  3. Use protection: If you’re not in a monogamous, mutually tested relationship and you’re not trying to conceive, using protection (condoms or other contraceptives) is crucial to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  4. Relaxation: Spend some time cuddling and relaxing together. This can promote emotional intimacy and bonding.
  5. Stay hydrated: Sex can be physically demanding, so it’s a good idea to drink water to stay hydrated.

Things you shouldn’t do:

  1. Rush: Avoid rushing to get dressed or leave immediately after sex. Take some time to connect emotionally with your partner.
  2. Skip protection: If you’re not in a committed, monogamous relationship and are not ready for the potential consequences, do not skip using protection.
  3. Neglect hygiene: Failing to clean up properly after sex can increase the risk of infections.
  4. Pressure or judge: Do not pressure your partner into any sexual activity they are not comfortable with, and avoid judgment or criticism about their desires or performance.
  5. Assume consent: Consent is ongoing and can be withdrawn at any time. Don’t assume that just because someone consented to one activity, they are consenting to all activities. Always respect your partner’s boundaries.

Remember that these guidelines can vary depending on individual preferences and relationship dynamics, so open communication and mutual respect are essential in any sexual relationship.

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